How to build keyword groups using SpyFu
Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to import multiple organic and ad groups of targeted keywords into MySpyFu in 90 seconds.

Leave us a comment at the bottom if you’d like a button in MySpyFu that will automatically import keyword groups for you. Also comment if you have any questions you think would make a good “SpyFew” video!

Click on the link for more detailed MySpyFu tutorials videos.

Video Transcript:

Often times around the office we find a cool trick either in SpyFu or in google and we want to tell you guys about it,

but also only take a few minutes of your time.

This is a new series called SpyFew! Cue intro!


This quick video will show how to set up groups of targeted keywords in MySpyFu in under a few minutes.

MySpyFu is one of the newer SpyFu features,

there are several in-depth tutorials on it which I’ll put in the description and link to right here.

But this is a technique that I only mention briefly in those videos, but we’ve found handy for our campaigns.

I’m going to start a new project, import SpyFu’s suggestions, and there we go.

Now I’m going to slide this back in and head to Keyword Groups using the same domain.

This automatically finds all of this domain’s keywords and groups them for you.

You can pull this entire structure, the group and all of it’s keywords, into MySpyFu just by clicking this button.

So absurdly easy.

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