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Getting Started in SpyFu

SpyFew – Episode 3: Where to Start

Patrick McGrane avatar
Written by Patrick McGrane
Updated over a week ago

Getting started with SpyFu is easy, and we have a lot of resources to help you master it!  This video will show you how to start using our web analytics tool and where to find our tutorials to dig in deeper.

Video Transcript:

One of the biggest questions that we get is, how do I start using SpyFu?  This video will give you pointers on exactly that.

Maybe this should’ve been episode one...


We totally get it, the site is vast and full of data.  If you’re a hands on learner, the best place to start is by entering a competitor's domain into the search, and then click on the info you find the most interesting.

For everyone else, we provide a lot of resources for learning and getting started and it’s stored under our tutorials link.

This page is made for people who are just starting out, and people who want to dig into different tools and features.

Some people like to watch a video explaining things 

Some like to read an article and follow along.

Some of you learn better when you talk with a person.

This page provides all of that.

After you get the basics of SpyFu and want to learn more, scroll down to our step by step guides on things like gathering keywords, setting up an Adwords account, even starting a marketing campaign.

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