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Find Related Keywords

Our keyword generator helps you get strong keyword ideas for SEO and PPC

Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over a week ago

Your keyword research should lead you to strong ideas. Keywords that branch off from where you started--because that’s the nature of search itself. Our Related Keywords tool was updated to load you with strong ideas for new content and ads that convert. 

Here are the features of that tool that help get you there. You can keep reading for a written overview, or jump over to a quick video tour.

Start by entering a keyword into the search bar. The Keyword Overview page will start with a preview of keyword-focused feature that SpyFu offers. You can click through any of those “view more” links, or you can switch to the “Related Keywords” tab. 

The new page opens into expanded results, and it defaults to Similar Keywords.
You can use the dropdown under the keyword name to choose other ways to get keyword ideas.

If you are trying to search a domain as a keyword, enter the domain name in quotes.

Example: ""

Similar Keywords

This section delivers on the core promise of keyword generators: enter a keyword and get even more valuable, related terms. The bonus is that you can filter that list down to targeted terms that match the needs of your market by setting ranges in these categories:

  • Search Volume

  • Keyword Diff

  • Word Count

  • Include/Exclude certain keywords

  • Automatic adult filter (toggle off and on)

We start with results that closely follow your original search, especially with long tail and phrase-matched terms. We’re building off similar ideas with high-relevance, not just to match the words but to match the intent.

This helps you branch out into topic clusters and more ideas to fill your keyword groups. It’s the default kind of results you get when you run a related keyword search. There are other options that can help you get even more keyword ideas.

Other Ways to Get Keyword Ideas

As shown above, click the "search type" drop down menu to change the function that these keyword suggestions serve. Here's what each one does and why you might want to try it.


These questions can help inspire new content to answer what people are asking about this topic. It also helps you flesh out your initial outline so that your content covers the right bases.

This section mimics the “people also ask” section on Google, but it also includes question-quality variations on the keyword you entered. 

Example: keyword is ”first time homebuyer”

Questions include:

  • How to buy a house with no money down as first time home buyer

  • Which of these loan options is best for a first time home buyer

  • How to qualify as a first time home buyer

These questions can help you beef up your existing content, too. Look at the keywords that you rank for--maybe a page 2 position or one lower on page one. Check out some questions related to those keywords and ask yourself “does my content answer this?” “Can I improve my content by answering a couple of these questions authoritatively and competently?

If so, this will give you some direction on how to refresh your content to improve your ranking.

Also Ranks For

This list includes keywords that the top ranking domains for your target keyword also rank for. 

Put another way, if you search “eye fatigue” we will look at the top ranking domains and then find related keywords that those domains also rank for. This should give you a good meshwork of related keywords and content.

Example: keyword is “eye fatigue”

Also ranks for:

  • Astigmatism

  • Glaucoma

  • Pink eye

  • Eye twitching

Also Buys Ads For

Similar to the “also ranks for” category, this list includes keywords that the top advertisers on your target keyword also buy. 

Keeping the same keyword, see how top advertisers bring up an entire different kind of keyword list.

Example: keyword is “eye fatigue”

Also buys ads for:

  • Digital eye strain

  • Eye fatigue computer

  • Reducing eye strain

These are problem and solution based terms vs. terms that are potentially information-only searches. That leads us to our next drop down option, transactional keywords.

Transactional Keywords

If you’re optimizing for conversions, choose “transactional keywords” from the dropdown. You can single out transactional keywords to build your ads around and CTA copy.

Example: keyword is "online allergy test"

Transactional keywords include:

  • allergy test online reviews

  • order allergy test online

  • shellfish food allergy test online free

  • best online allergy test for dogs

Other Features


Your best keyword results are the ones targeted to your needs. Our filters help you narrow the field. You customize the results so you can export and work with a manageable list of terms that fit your business.

It's a great way to not get overwhelmed by thousands of related terms. Adjust:

  • terms to include and exclude

  • search volume

  • keyword difficulty (AKA ranking difficulty)

  • word count (to help with longtail searches)

  • NSFW safe searches


With any of these ways to get keyword ideas, you can also view them in keyword groups.

Example: keyword is "podcast app"

If you are in the "Questions" type of search, you will see questions that people ask related to podcast app. Let's add the "group" feature to the example. (It's the tab next to the filters.)

Now you can get questions that are clustered by related keywords. I chose the "android" group, and that gives me podcast app-related questions that have to do with android. 

Taken further, I chose the "play" group inside the "android group." Those questions will be highly targeted to those specific topics.

This kind of clustering is important for guiding content creation. You should cover your topic thoroughly, with nuanced angles that still relate to each other. A series of questions might inform a single explanation video, and it will be a comprehensive guide instead of just something that skims a few ideas.

More Options

From here, we recommend two more articles to help you get the most from the Related Keywords Tool. 

Use Filters to Fine Tune Your Keyword Results
Look at the ways you can filter your results for more relevant and useful keywords. 

Choose Your Best Keyword Stats
Select which keyword metrics show up in your results. It keeps you focused on the most important information to your work.

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