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Upload Keywords in Bulk

Add a large group of keywords to expand your research

Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over a week ago

You can always get ideas for new keywords from a single keyword search. However, there's a twist that lets you work in reverse, too.

If you have a list of keywords you'd like to research at the same time, you can load them to SpyFu where we'll add data to them and group them for you.

Bulk Upload vs Searching a Keyword

You can still get rich insightful details by searching a single keyword through SpyFu, but this feature speeds up the process. Single keyword searches are best for deep research and details. Bulk uploads help with high-level details on a group of keywords at a time.

Here's how it works.

Start at the Bulk Upload tab under Keyword Research on SpyFu.

Paste a List of Keywords

Paste in your branded and long tail keywords. Make sure that these are one per line. In the example above some of the keywords are 5-words long like "napa valley wine country tours." That's considered one keyword, so it gets its own line. No commas are necessary.

There is currently no way to upload a file, so if you have an xls or csv file, copy the column of keywords and paste it in.

We'll add data to your keywords using metrics like:

  • search volume

  • keyword difficulty

  • cost per click.

We remove duplicates for you, so feel free to work from multiple lists that might overlap.

Analyzing Your Results

You will see your keywords listed in a keyword grid similar to what you see across SpyFu. We include metrics and allow you to add keywords to the project manager or export the data back to your spreadsheet.

The results also include filters and groups. (In SEO tools, "groups" may be listed as "topics."

The filters allow you to further break down the list. That's important when you're blending lists and unsure where certain keywords land in terms of difficulty or cost.

Filters include:

  • Term include/exclude

  • Search volume

  • Keyword difficulty

  • Word count

Filter these keywords before exporting them, and you'll have more curated lists in your spreadsheet.

The grouping tool pulls together keywords by phrase matching. Using my example above, the grouping tool detects similar keywords and suggests ways to group them. The group napa limo tour might include keywords I pasted like:

limo service napa wine tours

napa valley wine tour limo service

best limo wine tour napa

napa limo wine tours groupon

8 passenger limo napa wine tour

And napa wine tasting group includes:

napa wine tasting tours

napa wine tasting tours without bus

wine tasting tours napa valley

wine tasting tours napa

napa valley wine tasting tours

Adding New Keywords

This is a great place to paste in your branded terms. It's also a strong resource for your long tail keywords that might not show up yet in any keyword tool.

When you paste keywords we don't already search, we will add them to our database going forward. This can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to see these keywords as part of the larger keyword set in SpyFu. However, for any data we do find on those keywords, we will show it immediately in your Bulk Upload results.

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