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Glossary: Related Keywords
Glossary: Related Keywords

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Sidra Condron avatar
Written by Sidra Condron
Updated over a week ago

Similar Keywords (Dropdown Sort): These suggested keywords are closest in theme and category. These are meant to help you expand your reach with relevant, competitive terms.

Questions (Dropdown Sort)

These questions can help inspire new content to answer what people are asking about this topic.

Also Ranks For (Dropdown Sort)

This list includes keywords that the top ranking domains for your target keyword also rank for.

Also Buys Ads For (Dropdown Sort)

This list includes keywords that the top advertisers on your target keyword also buy.

Transactional Keywords (Dropdown Sort)

These tend to match keywords with buying signals. Searches like these are more often tied to people who are ready to convert.


Total Keywords/Total Volume: These metrics shown at the top of the keyword list will update every time you filter the keywords or change your segment. It shows the keyword count and estimated traffic that comes from the keywords currently being displayed.

Keywords (include/exclude)

Include: This filter lets you narrow your results to keywords that have specific words or phrasing in them. That way you can zero in on a niche without limiting your initial search up front. If you search “pc reviews” you can include “vs” to get comparison ideas.

Exclude: This filter lets you take out results that you don’t want to consider. It’s helpful if some of them don’t match what you offer. For example, search “online tax return software,” but exclude the word “free.”

Volume: This shows the number of searches done this past month across the US on (or in the UK on if you are looking at UK data). We blend data from multiple sources to give a better snapshot of search activity on this keyword, so it won’t be identical to Google’s metrics for search volume.

Keyword Difficulty/Ranking Difficulty: We’ve calculated how difficult it would be to rank on this keyword. The score is based on a scale of 0-100 (with 100 being the most difficult to rank for). Compare this number to other keywords you're targeting to get an idea of how to prioritize your SEO campaign.

Keyword difficulty takes into account the strength of the domains, on-page signals like “keyword in title,” and the number of .gov and .edu domains.

Word Count: This helps you filter your results by number of words in the search term. You can find descriptive long tail keywords for high-relevance or broader, short tail keywords with 1-2 words in the search.

Adult Filters: If we detect any potentially NSFW search terms, we hide them by default and keep them out of the roll-up metrics. You have options to include, exclude, or view them alone in your results.

Desktop Searches (Percent): When we have a breakdown of how many of the searches for this keyword come from desktop vs mobile, we will show it here.

Advertising on higher desktop-search keywords could have different results on research-driven terms like "SAT prep" or "antivirus software."

Mobile Searches (Percent): When we have a breakdown of how many of the searches for this keyword come from mobile vs desktop, we will show it here.

Cost per Click: The average amount advertisers pay Google anytime someone clicks their own ad for this keyword. The default is “broad match” costs, but exact match and phrase match are available.

You can find more information on Google's match types here.

Searches Not Clicked (Percent): Some SERPs return enough information that the user does not have to click any results. There might also be unexpected results that cause the user to abandon the SERP without any clicks. This is the rate that searchers leave the page without clicking any result.

Organic Clicks (Percent): Of all clicks made to this keyword's SERP, this percentage measures how many went to organic results.

Paid Clicks (Percent) Of all clicks made to this keyword's SERP, this percentage measures how many went to the paid ads.

Cost: Our estimate of what an advertiser would spend, on average, to advertise on this keyword each month. We include it with SEO research to help with reference points and benchmarks.

Ads: This is the total number of advertisers we've seen over the last 6 months for this keyword. It's helpful to know how competitive the field is and how many advertisers have tested this keyword over time.

(Number of) Homepages: This is the number of homepages (from any domain) that rank within the first 100 results for this keyword.

A homepage might be “” vs a longer path like “”

Cost Selections: You can change the metrics displayed on this page from the default of "broad match" to exact or phrase match.

CPC Selections: The CPC metric is calculated off of broad match metrics, but you can change the metrics displayed on this page from the default of "broad match" to exact or phrase match.

SERP First Result: This is the most recent top ranked page for this keyword search.

**Differences in the Export Page**

Export pages are usually spreadsheets that cannot rely on icons and charts in the same way that our live pages can. A chart that you see on the live page might appear as a number in the export. Or, we include some notations that are used for sorting purposes on the live page. Because of that, we list any significant differences below.

Is Question?: This TRUE/FALSE notation is used behind the scenes so that we can display the right entries in the "Questions" segment.

Is not Safe for Work? This TRUE/FALSE notation is used behind the scenes to help us show the "Adult Filter" results.

SERP Features CSV: This lists any special features we saw when we collected the SERP. Sometimes these SERP features might push ads aside or affect how they are clicked.

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